wellness coaching

Michael, a Mayo paramedic, wanted to make a change for himself, his family and his future. When applying for a specialty team for his job,[...]

By The DAHLC • September 25, 2017

As we ring in the new year, we tend to become more ambitious about setting certain goals whether it be related to fitness, nutrition, stress,[...]

By Jason Soyring • December 29, 2016

Cindy Shannon shared her journey as she had to refocus her goals in life after the loss of her husband. Here is her story. Cindy[...]

By The DAHLC • July 31, 2016

Where does your mind go when someone asks you, “Are you ready for the holidays?” Do you excitedly express how many times you have listened[...]

By Nicole - Coach • December 14, 2015

The other day, I noticed a posting on my Facebook newsfeed that looked interesting. A stand-up comedian was illustrating to his audience the importance of[...]

By Brent - Coach • September 28, 2015

By The DAHLC • August 19, 2015

Are you looking for an EASY button? A “quick fix”? A magic solution?   You won't find it at the DAHLC.  What you will find:[...]

By Nicole - Coach • July 14, 2015

A favorite hobby or pastime for many people at this time of year is gardening.  Some folks like vegetables gardens, while others prefer flower gardens. [...]

By Brent - Coach • June 10, 2015

By The DAHLC • May 29, 2015

I don’t “bounce” back so easily all the time. How often do we hear or say, “It will get better,” or, “You’ll bounce back from this.”[...]

By Nicole - Coach • May 20, 2015