Items Tagged ‘Movement Training’

March 22, 2019

EX4 Partner Metabolic Workout

By Tom Jorgenson

Get a taste (of sweat) of our EX4 Metabolic Conditioning workouts with this high intensity partner workout! Push yourself and your friend in this fun and challenging workout here! Questions about this workout? Contact Terri

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, ex4, get fit, health and wellness coach staff, metabolic conditioning, Movement Training, workout, Workouts

February 25, 2019

Kettlebell Circuit Workout


We understand you’re busy. We also understand your health is a priority to you. Get in & out of the gym in just 20 minutes with this Kettlebell Circuit Workout! Remember to start with a dynamic warm-up and end with a cool down.

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Tags: Blog, Kettlebell, Motivation, Movement Training, Workouts

October 29, 2018

Turkey Burn Workout Circuit

By Tom Jorgenson

While weight training is great for building lean muscle tissue, sometimes (like during the holidays) it’s tough to find time for the gym. But you don’t need weights for an effective workout. Your body itself is a fantastic piece of workout equipment! Try out this body weight circuit that is sure to burn some calories […]

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Tags: Blog, get fit, health, Move, Movement Training, Workouts

September 26, 2018

Member Success: Sarah

By Tom Jorgenson

“I did not realize what a difference strength training really makes – and it is kinda fun!” I began to feel like I was simply coasting along. Life was going OK, but I just did not feel like I was living life with my fullest potential. I decided that I wanted to start living life more […]

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Tags: coach, Eat Well, Exercise, fitness, get fit, health and wellness coach staff, Member Success, Motivation, Move, Movement Training, results, Staff

July 21, 2015

New Running Route Added! 3.0 flat course

By Desiree Ahrens

I love to see so many members joining the new DAHLC Run Club facebook page! Chad recognized a need within the DAHLC community for a place for runners to meet and ask questions. We invite all levels of runners to join the private DAHLC Run Club facebook page. Not on facebook? Join us in person for […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, DAHLC run club, discover, get fit, Inspiration, Move, Movement Training, program, Registrations, routes, run route

July 6, 2015

Speed Ladder – Fun For All

By Desiree Ahrens

Picture the obligatory scene in a sports movie where the unlikely athlete starts to make the turn to star athlete. With an inspirational soundtrack playing in the background, the athlete sweats, grunts, runs, and jumps. Sometimes the athlete will take a few turns through the speed ladder. However unlikely the scene that unfolds before us […]

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Tags: agility, balance, Blog, exercise rx, Flexibility, get fit, health and wellness coach staff, Move, Movement Training, nervous system, power, speed ladder

June 22, 2015

New Running Route: Early Bird 5K!

By Desiree Ahrens

There is nothing more invigorating than waking up early in a city. Even though there are buildings, houses, and cars all around…everything is quiet. There is something peaceful about being the only one awake and running in the city. Street corners that would normally be busy are completely open. You don’t have to swerve around […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, discover, get fit, Move, Movement Training, routes, running, workout

June 11, 2015

Is your core ready for summer?

By Desiree Ahrens

The smells of dirt, freshly cut grass, sweat, and smoke from a pipe remind me of softball. The dirt, grass, and sweat for obvious reasons. The pipe because I had a teammate whose dad always had a pipe. It’s funny the things that bring us right back to former times in our life. I can […]

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Tags: Blog, core, get fit, Group Fitness, health and wellness coach staff, Move, Movement Training, Strength, Training

April 9, 2015

Women’s Studio Workout

By Desiree Ahrens

In a previous life of mine, I worked with women who were deathly afraid to walk into a large gym. No way were they going to even look at a large gym let alone actually work out there. What if someone saw them? What if they looked like they didn’t know what they were doing!? […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, discover, get fit, Lose Weight, Move, Movement Training, Specialty, Strength, Training, workout, Workouts

February 20, 2015

Please– join me in my running misery

By Desiree Ahrens

When I have a moment to myself at home I tend to make rash decisions. This notably occurred about 2 years ago when I just happened to be in a good mood while my three small kids were at grandma’s. Even though I had never given much thought to a marathon, I went ahead and registered […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, discover, get fit, half marathon, Inspiration, marathon, Move, Movement Training, outside, routes, Run