Items Tagged ‘Motivation’

March 26, 2019

Member Moment: Jerry

By Tom Jorgenson

“More than anything, I wanted to live my life pain-free following a career that took a heavy toll on my body and joints. This is exactly what I found at the DAHLC.” Listen in on how Fitness Essentials helped Jerry reduce pain, improve his bowling performance, and enhance his quality of life! Can’t listen? Read […]

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Tags: health and wellness coach staff, Inspiration, Member Success, Motivation, Move, Strength, Training, wellness coaching

February 25, 2019

Kettlebell Circuit Workout


We understand you’re busy. We also understand your health is a priority to you. Get in & out of the gym in just 20 minutes with this Kettlebell Circuit Workout! Remember to start with a dynamic warm-up and end with a cool down.

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Tags: Blog, Kettlebell, Motivation, Movement Training, Workouts

January 22, 2019

Member Success: David and Janet

By Tom Jorgenson

After various attempts at dieting and exercising on their own, the lack of results had David and Janet frustrated and fed up. Searching for answers, Janet saw the advertising online for our Revive & Thrive program and thought, “This would be perfect for us!” With 8 grand kids, approaching retirement, and wanting spend more time […]

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Tags: Blog, Exercise, Member Success, Motivation, Move, Nutrition, revive & thrive, Revive and Thrive

September 26, 2018

Member Success: Sarah

By Tom Jorgenson

“I did not realize what a difference strength training really makes – and it is kinda fun!” I began to feel like I was simply coasting along. Life was going OK, but I just did not feel like I was living life with my fullest potential. I decided that I wanted to start living life more […]

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Tags: coach, Eat Well, Exercise, fitness, get fit, health and wellness coach staff, Member Success, Motivation, Move, Movement Training, results, Staff

August 30, 2018

Member Success: Gina

By Tom Jorgenson

Gina has been through a lot in the past few years. And we are thankful for her willingness to share her story with you. Learn about the battles she faced, how she overcame them with having the courage to start, and how the education and support from our staff helped her find her health, balance, […]

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Tags: Group Fitness, health and wellness coach staff, Member Success, Motivation, wellness coaching

March 26, 2018

Track Level Cardio Workout

By Tom Jorgenson

Follow this cardio progression to get the most bang for your buck using cardio equipment and your body! You get to choose the length of time you want for this workout, whether it’s a quick 20-minute or longer 45-minute circuit. Ready, sweat, go!

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, Inspiration, Motivation, Move, quick workout, running, workout, Workouts

February 9, 2018

6 Things We Can Learn From Olympic Athletes

By Tom Jorgenson

The Olympics are back! While we’re entertained by the best athletes in the world, let’s take advantage of the competitive nature of the Olympics and think like an athlete as we pursue our own goals to live a healthy and balanced life! What can we learn from Olympic athletes to foster our own competitiveness? 1. […]

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Tags: Blog, Motivation, olympics

June 15, 2017

“Find humor in most everything”

By Nicole Block

Our featured Wellness Champion for the month of June is Tracy Hilton! Tracy is a Biospecimen Technologist/Cytotechnologist in the Research Clinical Studies Unit in Florida. Tracy has had a passion around health and well-being for most of her life. Outside of work, Tracy stays busy participating in charity fundraisers from cycling to stair climbing to […]

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Tags: champion story, Motivation, Wellness Champion, worksite wellness, worksite wellness blog

May 25, 2017

Member Success: Achieve Results


Three of our members joined Achieve Results, which is a 6 week program with wellness tools and strategies to help participants break barriers and successfully achieve real results. April, Karen and Deanna tell us about the impact the program had on their daily lives. April found value in Achieve Results as she became more mindful. She […]

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Tags: achieve results, goals, Member Success, Motivation, success stories, success story

March 29, 2017

Member Success: Shaun


Shaun Palmer is one of our very own Member Service Representatives at the front desk as well as a member here at the Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center, and he was kind enough to share his story of changing his old habits, forming new goals and achieving great feats. After Shaun decided to quit smoking, […]

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Tags: boston marathon, marathon, member story, Member Success, Motivation, running, shaun