Items Tagged ‘get fit’

June 2, 2015

It’s Time to Let Go

By Chad - Your 5k-Marathon Run Coach

Treadmills are the most common used piece of equipment in the gym but did you know that many of us, young and old, are using them incorrectly? What are so many of us doing wrong on a treadmill?  We are holding on.  Being nervous using the treadmill your first few times is one thing. However, […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, get fit, health and wellness coach staff, Move, Treadmill

April 9, 2015

Women’s Studio Workout

By Desiree Ahrens

In a previous life of mine, I worked with women who were deathly afraid to walk into a large gym. No way were they going to even look at a large gym let alone actually work out there. What if someone saw them? What if they looked like they didn’t know what they were doing!? […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, discover, get fit, Lose Weight, Move, Movement Training, Specialty, Strength, Training, workout, Workouts

April 7, 2015

Are you tired of joint pain from running?

By Chad - Your 5k-Marathon Run Coach

I began running shortly after graduating from high school.  Running became my way of maintaining my health and physical fitness.  It was also my way to manage stress.  Whether I was going out for a long run to enjoy the scenery and fresh air or going out for a run to see how fast of […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, get fit, running, Training, wellness

February 20, 2015

Please– join me in my running misery

By Desiree Ahrens

When I have a moment to myself at home I tend to make rash decisions. This notably occurred about 2 years ago when I just happened to be in a good mood while my three small kids were at grandma’s. Even though I had never given much thought to a marathon, I went ahead and registered […]

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Tags: Blog, Cardio, discover, get fit, half marathon, Inspiration, marathon, Move, Movement Training, outside, routes, Run

January 6, 2015

Dumbbell Circuit Workout

By Nicole - Coach

  Click photo to view larger image of workout or to print. Additional resource: Foam roll video

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Tags: Blog, get fit, Training, workout, Workouts

December 23, 2014

My stress relief plan for the holidays

By Desiree Ahrens

Bustling around the kitchen – oven is hot, food is everywhere, dishes are dirty, too many treats have been consumed, a game of catch is happening . . . in the house. Your sister-in-law won’t stop complaining, and Grandpa is making inappropriate comments. Take deep breaths. Breathe in through your chest. Breathe out.  Breathe in […]

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Tags: Blog, breathe, get fit, holidays, home workout, stress, Training, workout

December 4, 2014

Novelty, Motivation, and the Brain

By Nicole - Coach

Searching for motivation? Stimulation? Education? Perhaps what your brain (and heart!) crave is to try something new.

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Tags: Blog, Coaching, get fit, Move, Specialty