September is National Yoga Month, so we busted 5 myths about yoga, explored 10 common yoga poses and highlighted the various yoga classes the DAHLC offers. Anyone can[...]
The other day, I noticed a posting on my Facebook newsfeed that looked interesting. A stand-up comedian was illustrating to his audience the importance of[...]
Want to start trying some common yoga moves? Check out 10 common yoga poses below for information on how to execute each pose and learn[...]
I know we hear a lot about what NOT to do during pregnancy-what not to eat, how not to sleep, how not to sit, what[...]
September is National Yoga Month and to celebrate, we wanted to bust 5 common myths about yoga. We know there are preconceived notions about what[...]
Being passionate about health and wellness is what Wellness Champion, Sheldon Las, practices on a daily basis. Sheldon comes from Linen and Central Service at[...]
As I walk around the wellness center during the winter and spring months I hear members talking about working on core strength so that they[...]
New running route HERE posted to the website, DAHLC run club Facebook page, and on the DAHLC mapmyrun.com page! Take a nice 8 mile run[...]