
With spring upon us we begin to think about planting our gardens or attending the farmers market for fresh produce. April’s produce of the month[...]

By Kristen - Dietitian • April 3, 2018

Experts say we should make ½ our grains whole. But what exactly does that mean? As defined by the Oldways Whole Grains Council, whole grains “contain[...]

By The DAHLC • March 5, 2018

Craving a tasty yet satisfying meal? Try the buffalo chicken wrap for your next lunch or dinner that will satiate your cravings for a fresh[...]

By The DAHLC • February 21, 2018

Life Just Got a Little Sweeter… Now that I have your attention, I’ll admit, it is actually more bitter than sweet.  Cocoa.  The cocoa bean[...]

By Kate- Dietitian • February 14, 2018

Ready to kick your health up a notch? It starts with what you put in your body! Why not start your day with nature's tasty[...]

By The DAHLC • December 20, 2017

The holiday season is in full swing, and now I await the arrival of the “white stuff”!  December and snow go together like a PB&J[...]

By Margaret Gall • December 5, 2017

Eggnog Calories: 167 | Protein: 10.8g | Carbohydrates: 22.5g | Total Fat: 2.5g Yield: 4 servings (1 cup) Ingredients: 4 cups 1% milk, or soy[...]

By The DAHLC • November 28, 2017

During the holidays it can seem challenging to stay on track with living well. Consider these 6 tips to balance the season. Include all the[...]

By The DAHLC • October 31, 2017

Calories: 157 | Protein: 3.3g | Carbohydrates: 31.4g | Total Fat: 0.9g Yield: 8 servings – 1 cup serving size Ingredients: 1 pound large rutabagas,[...]

By The DAHLC • October 31, 2017

Cranberries  - good for you and for making silly faces! Cranberries are in season! These small, round, bright red berries are bursting with… sour.  Yes,[...]

By Kate- Dietitian • October 30, 2017