January 2021 DAHLC Highlight – Dorinda

Describe your experience participating in DAHLC virtual services. 

I’m so grateful for the virtual options that the Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center (DAHLC) offers. I’ve enjoyed the personal training and virtual classes. The personal training came at a good time when the weather turned cooler so I wasn’t biking or going for walks outside as often. I wanted to establish a regular workout routine to get results. I’ve struggled with endocrine issues for years and my lab work showed that my blood sugar had gone up. I was determined to not alter my lifestyle with diabetes and wanted to get healthier.

That is when I started personal training with Drew. We did eight one-on-one sessions together. The scheduling was flexible and I was able to do it in the evenings. Drew is absolutely awesome! He is friendly, inspiring, supportive, and motivating. I started to notice changes after a few sessions that my legs were getting toned from doing squats. Drew had me do a variety of exercises for a full body workout along with cardio.

I had accomplished my goal to lower my blood sugar level when I had it retested and will continue to work on it. On the weekends I would exercise to the recorded workout videos. My son would see me exercise and wanted to join in. Drew has inspired my son too! We like to do the EX4 classes together in the evening that is a nice combination of cardio and strength. Around the holidays, there was a 12 Days of Fitness challenge with condensed exercises to help stay active. Thank you to all of the DAHLC staff for their energy, enthusiasm and creativity! 

What would you tell someone who hasn’t yet participated in a virtual offering and doesn’t know where to start? 

I would recommend exploring the DAHLC website for the virtual offerings. There is information posted for the virtual classes, personal training and wellness coaching. Check out the DAHLC YouTube recorded workouts. This is a great way to get exercise anytime that is convenient for you. The virtual classes help with accountability and you will need to sign up in advance. The EX4 classes are offered at various times to accommodate different schedules. Have a specific goal in mind and how you want to achieve it.