Member Success: Sandy

“Accountability was the center of my success.”

Listen in as we take a different spin on our Member Success stories with a video interview!
NOTE: Please click the "CC" button in the lower right hand corner of the video, as it gets hard to hear over the bells at the 4:11 mark. 

Below are a few highlights from our conversation with Sandy and her success with the Revive & Thrive program, Small Group Training, and Wellness Coaching:

The big challenge I had beginning was knee pain caused by osteoarthritis that I’ve had for many years. I had previously managed the pain with injections and a knee brace. This pain has limited my physical capabilities to what I have wanted to do. However, through the Revive & Thrive program, I was pleasantly surprised when my knee stopped hurting. I credit this to losing more body fat, gaining muscle, and being consistent with the program. I haven’t had an injection in my knee for over a year and a half now, which is an incentive that motivates me to continue this fit and active lifestyle I have adopted through this program here at the DAHLC.

Throughout the program and the Small Group Training's, I've lost 10% of my body weight, and became much stronger! Through Wellness Coaching, my work and life balance improved which brought me a lot of joy, and I am very thankful for that.

As I think of retiring from working at Mayo for over 44 years, I see my future as being able to run around with my grandchildren without physical limitation, and to travel around the world. When I thought about this a year ago, I said to myself, “Why wait? There are so many benefits to starting now!”

You are an inspiration to us all, Sandy! We appreciate you sharing your success story with us.