October 29, 2018

Member Success: Sandy

By Tom Jorgenson

“Accountability was the center of my success.”

Listen in as we take a different spin on our Member Success stories with a video interview!
NOTE: Please click the "CC" button in the lower right hand corner of the video, as it gets hard to hear over the bells at the 4:11 mark. 

Below are a few highlights from our conversation with Sandy and her success with the Revive & Thrive program, Small Group Training, and Wellness Coaching:

The big challenge I had beginning was knee pain caused by osteoarthritis that I’ve had for many years. I had previously managed the pain with injections and a knee brace. This pain has limited my physical capabilities to what I have wanted to do. However, through the Revive & Thrive program, I was pleasantly surprised when my knee stopped hurting. I credit this to losing more body fat, gaining muscle, and being consistent with the program. I haven’t had an injection in my knee for over a year and a half now, which is an incentive that motivates me to continue this fit and active lifestyle I have adopted through this program here at the DAHLC.

Throughout the program and the Small Group Training's, I've lost 10% of my body weight, and became much stronger! Through Wellness Coaching, my work and life balance improved which brought me a lot of joy, and I am very thankful for that.

As I think of retiring from working at Mayo for over 44 years, I see my future as being able to run around with my grandchildren without physical limitation, and to travel around the world. When I thought about this a year ago, I said to myself, “Why wait? There are so many benefits to starting now!”

You are an inspiration to us all, Sandy! We appreciate you sharing your success story with us.

Tags: Blog, group training, Member Success Story, revive & thrive, wellness coaching

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