Have a Happy Heart!

We are in an era where health information is readily available, plentiful and sometimes conflicting to the point of confusion where you might be left wondering what is correct. Here is a summary from trusted sources and how to put them into practice:
Nutrients to Monitor
- Sodium. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 mg per day. Most adults should aim for less than 1,500 mg of sodium. .
- Saturated and trans fat. Limit the amount of saturated fat to less than 10% of your total calories. A 2000 calorie meal plan allows for 22 grams of saturated fat per day. Avoid trans fats.
How Meet the Recommendations
- Eat at home more using whole fresh foods, or frozen and canned foods without added salt.
- Keep meal planning simple. Always include vegetables and/or fruits at meals. Use fresh or frozen lean meat, fish, or canned beans without salt.
- Use olive oil, canola oil, trans-fat free margarines or nuts/seeds and spreads instead of shortening, coconut oil, butter, and lard.
- Batch cook whole grains (without salted water) and freeze for quick reheating.
- Snack on fruits, vegetables, and unsalted nuts rather than pre-packaged, processed snacks such as chips, crackers, pastries and cookies which usually contain higher amounts of sodium and fat.
Want to dive into matching dietary recommendations, health, and meal planning? Join the DAHLC dietitians in Menu Creations starting February 19th!