
I know we hear a lot about what NOT to do during pregnancy-what not to eat, how not to sleep, how not to sit, what[...]

By Desiree Ahrens • September 4, 2015

When I was 37 weeks pregnant with my twin boys my feet were swollen, I gained 10 lbs in about 3 days, and my blood[...]

By Desiree Ahrens • July 20, 2015

When I started my career at the DAHLC, I’ll never forget the time I met my first prenatal client. I began thinking to myself, what exercises[...]

By Tiffany - Coach • April 21, 2015

In a previous life of mine, I worked with women who were deathly afraid to walk into a large gym. No way were they going[...]

By Desiree Ahrens • April 9, 2015

Searching for motivation? Stimulation? Education? Perhaps what your brain (and heart!) crave is to try something new. Our brains respond to novelty. New places, ideas, exercise[...]

By Nicole - Coach • December 4, 2014