16 Ways To Stay Committed In 2016!

Happy 2016! We hope you enjoyed the holidays with your family & friends. We know this time of the year signifies a new beginning with resolutions and commitments to yourself. At the Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center, we encourage you to make those resolutions and stick with them. Research shows that resolutions don’t last more than 6 weeks and so we wanted to share with you 16 ways to stick to it and be a healthier version of you. Whether that’s being more adventurous, being fiscally responsible, exercising more, or the most popular resolution, losing weight. Our expert team can help you in ways you may not have known about.

  1. DAHLC Strength-9479Pack your gym clothes the night before and set it next to the door to grab on the way out.
  2. Put a reminder on your calendar to get to the gym. Make it a reasonable goal for where you are at in your health journey. Start out at one day a week and know you will work your way up to 3+ a week.
  3. Ask the staff (we’re the ones in navy blue!) a question, such as: How was your weekend? What do you do here? How about those Vikings? It’s amazing how good you can feel after meeting someone new. And, when you have that connection, you will feel more committed to coming.
  4. RELAX! Yes, it’s okay to relax and take time for yourself. Enjoy a hydromassage at least twice a month to clear your mind or even take advantage of our massage therapy options.
  5. Allow yourself to make mistakes. We are not perfect and that’s okay. It’s owning that you made that choice, accepting it and moving on. Tomorrow is another day.
  6. Sign up for a program so you know you will be held accountable.
  7. Get a workout buddy! It’s much more fun to workout with someone. If you can’t find a buddy due to schedules; try a group fitness class - we have over 150 classes a week!
  8. Use a workout or tracking app. MyFitnessPal and MapMyFitness are two popular apps that sync to each other to gather your information.
  9. Have lunch in the cafe! The DAHLC cafe only serves healthy meals and at an affordable price. They even have a punch card for the entree options. Buy 9 entrees and get the 10th free.
  10. Sign up for wellness coaching to set realistic goals and learn ways to reach them. Plus, you get to create the meeting schedule to be of convenience to you!
  11. Have fun! Go for a swim, smile when it hurts most, give a high five to your instructor, cheer when you have hit your goal. If you’re having fun, you’ll keep coming back.
  12. Make a meal plan and then grocery shop according to that. It will save you money & time!
  13. Try something new & get out of your comfort zone. If your routine is treadmill, try a small group training or a group fitness class! Change it up so you don’t get stuck or bored.
  14. Motivate others in your work area by becoming a Wellness Champion. It’s a great way to meet new people, too!
  15. Instead of sitting during your breaks; take a walk. We have lots of walking space at Mayo Clinic. Explore new areas and move during the workday!
  16. Remember why you want started your journey in the first place and don’t lose sight of that. It may be to be a role model for your children, to make memories with your spouse, to prevent chronic conditions, maintain a high quality of life as you age, or for you to feel better and be more confident in yourself. Whatever it is, write it down and stick with it.