Women’s Studio Workout

WomensStudioIn a previous life of mine, I worked with women who were deathly afraid to walk into a large gym. No way were they going to even look at a large gym let alone actually work out there. What if someone saw them? What if they looked like they didn't know what they were doing!?

Gym Truth: No one cares what YOU look like. They only care what they are doing.

Still don't believe me? That's okay,  the DAHLC has the women's studio! This is a much smaller room right off the locker room dedicated to women such as my former clients above. Check out this to get a combination of strength and cardio in during your next workout. Also, consider signing up for a Basics: Women's studio session if you are not sure how to use the machines. Or, sign up for a group training placement consultation and ask about small group training IN the women's studio!

Click workout to enlarge for printing or viewing.