Tis’ the Season(ing)

Ah, the month of December packed with many events including holiday gatherings! Traditional seasonal foods enjoyed with family and friends make for memorable times. Whether it be a favorite holiday pie, roasted turkey with traditional stuffing, a seasonal beverage such as hot cider, or eggnog; their unforgettable flavors come from the various combinations of herbs and spices!
At this time of the year, some commonly showcased seasonings include the savory herbs like oregano and sage. Although popular in Italian dishes and sauces, oregano can also be used to season fish, meats, and a variety of veggies. Sage can be paired with oregano, and its distinct aroma can be found in the holiday stuffing. The spices cinnamon and nutmeg provide fragrant aroma and warm flavors to sweet potatoes, apple and pumpkin desserts, hot cider and remember to grate a little nutmeg into your holiday eggnog! This season, try a “lighter” version of this classic holiday drink here!
You need not limit yourself to just these herbs and spices. Learn how to spice up this month with flavorful seasonings by joining us in the Dan Abraham Health Living Center demo kitchen! Watch and interact with our chef and dietitian to pick up tips on how to make new recipes at home. December's Cooking Demo class theme is Herbs & Spices!
Registration Period: Dec 2 - 15, 2019
Meets: Monday, Dec 16 from 12-12:45pm
Register at the front desk or call us at 507-266-4688