Member Success – Heather

Heather is a member at the DAHLC as well as a mom of two kids now. She was kind enough to share her story of pursuing a healthier lifestyle during and post pregnancy.

After a routine test, Heather barely hit the cut-off for whether she would be considered a gestational diabetic or not. This health risk in addition to her pregnancy already being considered 'high risk' caused her to be more vigilant about her diet as well as consistently exercising during her pregnancy. In order to stay motivated and committed, she participated in the pregnancy program to connect with other soon-to-be moms while working out together. 

"It [joining the pregnancy program] was an opportunity to surround myself with other women who were also going to be first time moms and women who were veterans at this pregnancy/mom thing.  It wasn’t till we were in the thick of the program that I became close with some of the other women that I found motivation to pursue an even healthier lifestyle after pregnancy."

Additionally, Heather enjoyed receiving prenatal massages at the DAHLC as well as swimming and taking aquatic classes in the pool.

"Never in my younger, wilder and childless days did I ever think about wellness and/or fitness goals and here I am now pursuing them.  Five months after my difficult delivery, I participated in my 1st race EVER!  A sprint triathlon.  After that I was hooked.  Running in 5ks, 10ks, ½ marathons, duathlons (run and bike),  and trail races.  Last year I even traveled with a friend to CA for the Big Sur ½.  And my bucket list of races keep going!  I don’t think I would ever have run this course in life (pun intended) without taking part in the DAHLC's programs."

Way to go, and thank you for sharing your story with us, Heather!