Big Audacious Hairy Goal

DAHLC HWC-0056My Big Audacious Hairy Goal (BAHG) when I was a little girl watching Kristi Yamaguchi skate to gold was to be an Olympic Athlete. However, I didn't particularly like to skate (even though I was born and raised in the State of Hockey). I realized I just wanted to be a part of the Olympics in any way I could. Later, I had the opportunity to study as an undergraduate in Kinesiology in Olympia near Athens, Greece. Then, in graduate school I had the opportunity to work for the Olympic Training Center before the Athens Games in 2004. I count those experiences as close enough to reaching my BAHG.

What is your BAHG? What was your BAHG when you were graduating high school? How about when you were 10? Maybe it’s to climb a mountain, maybe it’s to be the CEO of a major company, or maybe it’s to be active when your great-grand kids arrive, or maybe it’s to be comfortable working out in the gym. Whatever it may be you may not get it. But you just might get it! Maybe you’ll get something you never dreamed of…but better. You never know unless you dream big.

What are steps you can take to reach your BAHG? How can DAHLC help you move closer to your BAHG? Through programs, classes, or just a smile at the front desk, we can help!