8 Fitness Myth Busters

fitness mythsThere is a lot of misleading information about fitness, nutrition and overall health so we asked our staff to bust some of the common myths they have heard or read. Here are 8 fitness myth busters.

MYTH 1: Walking isn’t a good workout. Actually, whether you walk or run one mile, you will burn the same amount of calories. Yes, it’s true! So, next time you’re out for a walk, give yourself a little more credit...you are doing a good deed for your health!

MYTH 2: Carbs make me gain weight. Be careful with diets that encourage taking out complete food groups (unless recommended by your doctor). Instead, make wise choices with carbs, such as eating 100% whole wheat grain products, eating a baked potato with half your usual portion of butter or sour cream, or eat fruit! Carbs give you energy so you can keep moving!

MYTH 3: Cardio workouts are the only way to improve fitness. Having a well-rounded fitness routine is essential to staying healthy. This means cardio, strength and flexibility training are all important components of an optimal fitness routine. Try incorporating cardio, strength and flexibility workouts to your routine. Try one of our fitness classes!

MYTH 4: Only women do group fitness. All are welcome and encouraged to participate in group fitness classes as they are designed with everyone in mind. Classes will incorporate different aspects of exercise such as balance, flexibility, strength or cardio, which, as stated in Myth 3, is essential for your workout routine. So if you are a male, don’t be shy...we want and need you in our classes!

MYTH 5: Organic sugar isn’t as bad as white sugar. Sugar = sugar whether or not it’s all-natural or organic. While eating natural is good, make sure to limit your overall sugar intake.

MYTH 6: Sit-ups are the best way to get abs. While sit-ups are beneficial ab exercises, they are not the only ab exercise to strengthen your core. From planks to crunches to bicycles, all these ab moves work the mid-section. When you perform crunches, you are working all regions of your abdominal area, not merely the “lower” or “upper” abs.

MYTH 7: I will see better results if I eat less often. Eat regularly: 3 meals/day or smaller, frequent meals/day. Eating regularly can keep your metabolism up and running. Make healthy choices, especially for your pre- or post- workout food choices so that you feel energized rather than sluggish. Think of fruits and veggies!

MYTH 8: I don’t have time to cool down. Cooling down after a tough workout may be overlooked, especially if you are short on time or on your lunch break. Having at least a 5-minute period to cool down helps your body slow down without an abrupt stop in the workout routine and acts as a preventative measure for your muscles and cardiovascular health. You are worth the extra time!