Member Success – Shaun

Shaun Ober blogOne of our members, Shaun Ober, knows what it's like to make a significant healthy lifestyle change. Shaun works in IT at Mayo Clinic and was kind enough to share his inspiring story with us.  On January 5, 2015, Shaun joined the DAHLC.  Since then, he has dropped over 60 pounds by modifying the portion sizes in his diet and educating himself on how to improve his food choices.  He decided to make this change in his life because he continued to gain weight, experience health issues, become easily tired and possessed a lack of self-confidence.

Shaun credits his transformation to several lifestyle changes.  "Diet is number one.  If you don't change what you eat, you are going to lose every time," Shaun said.  In addition to eating habits, Shaun started using cardio machines five days per week.  He then participated in Cable and Power 45 classes and then incorporated weight training a few days a week.  The iDEXA body scan showed a 10% loss in body fat with an increase in muscle mass in just a few months!

When asked how he would encourage others with a similar journey, Shaun gave these tips:

  • Start at your own pace, even if it's five minutes on an elliptical machine.
  • Work your way up every week.
  • Believe in yourself, it can be done.
  • Getting to the gym is the hardest battle, but once you make it a routine and start seeing results, it becomes addictive.

Regarding his present health, Shaun says that he has more energy, feels better, his health issues have dissipated and he is helping others meet their weight loss goals.  In addition, Shaun emphasized the importance of his management team's support as he would take lunch breaks to workout at the DAHLC.

Way to go and keep it up, Shaun!