December from a Dietitian’s View

December from a Dietitian’s View

Ah, the month of December… packed with so much; holiday gatherings, winter break for students, family vacations, and let’s not forget - Mother Nature! She may “pack” us all in with snow! I enjoy skiing so bring on the white fluffy stuff!

I have been reflecting on how I could take a break from some of the December hustle and stress symbol Here are a few suggestions on putting more meaning into the season, albeit they are from a dietitian’s perspective…

  • Prepare only a couple (Note to self: couple means two) favorite recipes for the holiday gathering and invite guests to bring their favorite dish to pass. This will save time and energy with not having to prep multiple dishes, and allow other’s to show case their beloved seasonal recipe.
  • Host a less traditional sit-down dinner event. How about a progressive dinner theme? With this theme, guests progress from home to home, enjoying a specific course at a different host’s house. The first home could host appetizers, second home soup and salad, third home main entrée, and last home dessert!  Progressives are interactive, can be creative and lessen the stress of being the sole host of the dinner!   Need healthy recipe ideas? View some of our DAHLC Recipes here  and here! Also, check out our DAHLC  Express Cooking demo on grains!
  • Attend a community cookie exchange if a multitude of holiday sweet treats are a must each year.  Can’t find one in your area?  Host an exchange with friends and family. Spread the work load while enjoying conversation which is calorie-free! (sorry not the treat).  Check out our DAHLC Get Cooking Class on “Sweet Exchange"!
  • Find a grocery delivery service and do your food shopping online. No need to find a parking spot or dodge the crowds and shopping cars, and no more waiting in long lines at checkout.   Not only can this save time but lessens those impulsive purchases particularly while waiting to checkout.
  • Create new non-food traditions centered on gratitude. Volunteer at a shelter, organize a toy or clothing drive, visit a nursing home or assisted living facility to share the gift of time by singing a song, reading a book, or simply enjoying the company of new friends.
  • Get moving to help manage stress during the holidays (and extra calories).  Exercise improves mood and sleep. Since fitness may be “heading South” with the hustle and bustle of the season, this is a great way to relax. Plan some December activities with family and friends - ice skating, sledding, making snow angels or a snowman, or take a brisk walk. Don’t forget the dog!

Here’s to Eating Well this December and into the New Year!
