
May 21, 2015

Wellness Centers Facilitate Weight Loss


DAHLC’s collaborative partner, Dr. Jose Medina Inojosa, presented a poster, “Effectiveness of Weight Management Programs in an Employer-Based Wellness Center,” at the Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference in San Diego, CA.

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Tags: abstracts, conference, dr. lopez-jimenez, dr. medina-inojosa, jason, research, Weight Loss, Weight Management, wellness

April 14, 2015

Active Wellness Office is Safe & Productive


DAHLC Health & Wellness Coach, Desiree Ahrens, recently returned from the Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference in San Diego, CA, where she presented a research poster entitled, “The Active Wellness Office (AWO): User Perception on Safety, Attention, Productivity, and Energy Level.”   Findings: Users of an AWO consider it safe and productive. Employers may consider implementing […]

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Tags: abstracts, conference, desiree, dr. lopez-jimenez, dr. medina-inojosa, research, stacy

May 1, 2014

Do wellness centers improve one’s overall quality of life?


Human Resource Executive Online, Taking Wellness to the Next Level by David Shadovitz, Do wellness centers improve one’s overall quality of life? Well, according to the findings of one recent study, that depends greatly on whether employees use the resources available to them — and even then, may not always lead to the desired results […]

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Tags: research