How did your New Year’s resolutions go this year?

It's hard to believe that we are only seven weeks from the end of 2015.  Where did this year go?  Also, if you are like me you are starting to reflect back to the beginning of 2015 when you set your resolutions for the year.

My goal was to run 1,000 miles in 2015.  Was this truly realistic?  Well, I have seven weeks to go and I'm at 638 miles.  It doesn't look like I'm even going to get 800 miles at this pace but I've learned a lot this year about my goal:

  1. I put my goal down on paper and tracked it each week.
  2. I told others about my goal including anyone who read my blog 10 months ago.
  3. I didn't throw in the towel when it started to look like I wasn't going to make it.
  4. I rested when my body told me to.

I've set goals before and have been successful. I've also set goals and come up short. Each time I set a goal, I have learned at least one thing from it. In 2016, I'm going to try something different. I will set weekly goals or monthly goals instead of one goal for the year. Whether I'm successful or not with my future goals, I will learn from each one and maintain my motivation to achieve it. I will reflect on the reasons why I was successful or process how I could do things differently if I wasn't successful.

We have a lot of great offerings that may help you prepare for 2016.  If you've struggled in the past and need more accountability next year check out our Small Group Training offerings or meet with one of our coaches for a Wellness Consult. Discuss your goals with a Health & Wellness Coach on Floor Coverage or obtain an individualized workout plan by signing up for an Exercise Prescription. We offer many resources to help guide you towards achieving your goals.

Good luck with your goals in 2016.