“I have goals for each of my co-workers.”

blog photoBeing passionate about health and wellness is what Wellness Champion, Sheldon Las, practices on a daily basis. Sheldon comes from Linen and Central Service at SMH. He also works as a dental hygienist outside of Mayo where’s he’s learned to help others with their quest for wellness.  He says, "I wanted to do the same for Mayo Clinic employees to answer unanswered questions about what really and truly will promote health, not just prevent.  Health promotion is the single most important part of our life, because if we don’t have our health we will not be able to do anything else."

What makes Sheldon stand out as a Wellness Champion is his ability to motivate others. "I encourage, encourage, encourage! I have goals for each of my co-workers.” Finding fun exercises where they can smile and laugh throughout the day is something that he has done to motivate his work group to move. “We walk a great amount with our job so I encourage my coworkers to do subtle arm exercises with the lighter equipment during their walk.” Sheldon also shines in his ability to educate on nutrition. Some key points he emphasizes on is how to reduce high carbs & sugar, increase daily vegetable intake, and incorporate organic produce into people’s diets.