Pillar of Strength

Nicole pillar of strength2Have you ever found yourself looking back after sustaining discomfort or injury post-exercise and thinking, “Maybe I could have avoided this circumstance had I been more mindful and purposeful about practicing my core exercises.”  Ugh – let’s try to prevent that!

Core: as a noun

  • the central or most important part of something
  • ‘tough central part’ [of various fruits, containing the seeds] – and the human body!
  • central, foundational part
  • basic, essential, or enduring part - like a pillar!

Core strength, endurance, and flexibility are vital components not only for your capacity to exercise but to your everyday life!  Effectively activating muscles has a beneficial chain reaction - less pain (back, hip, leg or knee), and greater functionality.  Understand, too, that muscle overuse, inhibition, or compensatory contraction can lead to additional problems and pain.  Common core stability deficiency issues include: sore hip flexors, lateral leg pain, poor balance, chronically sore low back, piriformis syndrome, upper back and neck discomfort, and patello-femoral (knee) pain.

The following excerpt comes from the highly reputable EXOS training company:

"It’s impossible to move your limbs efficiently and forcefully if they’re not attached to something solid and stable. That’s your pillar—all the muscles that connect your hips, torso, and shoulders. When these areas are properly aligned, you can transfer energy throughout your body more effectively, so you’ll produce more strength and power with less fatigue.

Without pillar strength, you will significantly increase the potential for injury in a chain reaction that starts with your lower back, descends all the way to your knees and ankles, and rises up to your neck, shoulders and elbows."

Our recommendations as a DAHLC Fitness Team include:

  • Understanding your core includes torso, hip complex, shoulders
  • Work toward stability, mobility, flexibility
  • Include movements in all planes of motion: frontal, transverse, and sagittal
  • Activate the appropriate muscles for the movement
  • Do not compensate for weak or inactive muscles, rather strengthen weak muscles
  • Incorporate rotational core exercises in an effective and appropriate manner
  • Practice proper breathing
  • Vary between slow-controlled and quick movements
