Member Success Couples

As February is typically coined as a more romantic month, we thought it would be fun to highlight some of our dedicated DAHLC couples that often work out together. We asked them four questions (below). See how they answered and what keeps their relationships healthy!

  1. How did you two meet?
  2. How long have you been coming to the DAHLC?
  3. What is your favorite type or mode of exercise?
  4. Any advice on what makes a healthy relationship.

Jeff and Hannah

We met in Rexburg, Idaho. I (Jeff) had just returned from living in Mexico for two years, and my best friend (who was dating Hannah’s roommate), invited us to go to Driggs, Idaho for the weekend. I thought Hannah was really cute and started talking with her. In July 2017, we moved to Rochester and started coming to the DAHLC immediately! Together, Hannah and I like to do the strength classes. She’ll get me to run with her occasionally, but I like to do more weight lifting. Our advice to other couples for a healthy relationship is open communication, similar hobbies, honesty, and spending time together.

Bob and Ruth

Ruth was working in my home church and while home from college, I was asked to co-chaperone a youth trip. We hit it off, and the rest is history! I (Bob) have been a member since Beth Riley started; back when ‘Healthy Living’ was the exercise room in the basement of the Domitilla building at SMH. I think that was around 1997, but Beth can correct me. Ruth has been attending since it became DAHLC. Friday night is our ‘date night’. Our routine is exercise at DAHLC, then out to eat; hopefully finding something healthy.   Often, we can locate music entertainment at a local bar/restaurant.  Our advice is to find time to participate together in some routine activities. We both enjoy the exertion of the ellipticals, without the impact of running. We also do some lifting  and cross training on a variety of equipment. We attended a holiday cooking class together.

Kayla and Francisco    

We met through mutual friends in high school. Francisco offered to help me with my physics homework, but in reality, we had chemistry. We have been coming to the DAHLC since 2013. We both enjoy running and completed our first half marathon together in 2014. We find value in our relationship by being active together. Not only are we able to improve our health, but we have dedicated time away from distractions to focus on one another.

Marilyn and Rene
We met at the bedside of a patient Marilyn was caring for in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Albuquerque, NM. Rene was a medical technologist at the time and Marilyn was a medical student. We have been members at the DAHLC for 6 years now. Our favorite type of exercise is running, yoga, strength, weight lifting and cycling. Our advice for a healthy relationship is to unselfishly support your partner's ambitions and passions. Discover ways to participate in physical and recreational activities together.