Keep the momentum going

Sue Bauer, from Patient Experience in Eau Claire, WI became a wellness champion to stay motivated in taking care of herself but also to help her work team. She recognizes that life is fast, tough, and stressful at times and reminds others that wellness is both emotional and physical; believing you have to be emotionally well to become physically well.

Sue’s work group is small so  she knows her colleagues well, including their wellness interests. Monthly, she sends the newsletter and highlights topics that may appeal to them and encourages others to review and see for themselves. Throughout the month, she also sends information about what’s happening in the community and MCHS. By setting aside 15 minutes each week and utilizing her group’s weekly huddles, Sue is able to share wellness information and keep her team engaged.

The Patient Experience Team also knows that social connections are key to well-being and group dynamics. Every other month, they get together for a team bonding activity. They like to do something outside the box such as tie dying, canvas painting, building winter porch pots, participating in the Family Resource Center scavenger hunt, and even the Leader-Telegram Buckshot Run for Special Olympics.

Sue’s goal is to keep the momentum going. “Taking a few minutes every week or so to push out some wellness tidbits is key. Sending a simple motivational quote is a way to stay connected and help us stop and think about wellness.”

Sue, like many others, has had some challenges to overcome. She states, “It is your choice to either live in the past or pick yourself up, move forward, and help others do the same.” If you see Sue, you’ll notice she walks the talk. She is probably smiling, laughing and enjoying life as much as possible; her positive personality motivating and inspiring others.