Laughter is the Best Medicine

Amy explains, in a typical day, laughter is usually sporadic and short lived. In order to gain the most benefit from laughter it needs to be long and deep, stimulating the diaphragm. Intentionally adding laughter to our day helps us receive these benefits. The benefits of laughter can be summarized simply by remembering the 5 H’s, which Amy learned in her teacher training.

  1. HappyLaughter makes us happier by elevating our mood and attitude.  We do better in life with an improved mood and attitude.
  2. HealthyLaughter improves our immune system and physical health. When we are healthier we can do more.
  3. Harmony: Laughter oxygenates and creates harmony in our body and brain.  What we do is more effective and efficient.
  4. Heartfelt: Laughter enriches our relationships and creates connection with others and with ourselves. Laughter is a universal language that breaks down barriers and causes judgment and self-criticism to fade.
  5. Hopeful: Laughter increases resilienceWe bounce back better from adversity.

Here are a few ideas for adding a quick splash of laughter to your day:

  • Surround yourself with positive people and things.
  • Laugh in your car while you are driving to work.
  • Affirm yourself with a smile and laughter while looking in the mirror.
  • Smile at someone else and see what happens.
  • Attend a laughter yoga club.
  • Add humor to your day through media, fun activities, and social connections.
  • Have a laughter buddy.
  • Laugh into your cell phone, even if nobody is on the other line.
  • Join a live laughter party on the phone.
  • Set a timer for one-minute and just laugh until the time is up.

For more information about Laughter Yoga, please visit: