April Leadership Article

We hope everyone is enjoying spring! This month we are focusing on Healthy Aging in support of our upcoming events in April for Healthy Aging Week. And, let’s be honest, no one is getting younger...we are all aging. This, however, doesn’t have to be a discouraging thought. Rather, aging can be a wonderful process as we grow wiser, happier and healthier, both physically and mentally. This month, we are providing helpful resources that will teach you how to age in a healthy and positive way. Check out our informational healthy aging opportunities during Healthy Aging Week, April 24th-28th. There will be special events throughout the week including nutrition education, Active Older Adult (AOA) Fit Day, AOA group fitness classes and so much more! 

In this month’s newsletter, we are featuring spring cleaning tips. With the weather changing, now is the perfect time to de-clutter your home. When we have a clear or organized space, we tend to think more clearly and perhaps enjoy the simplicity of holding on to less stuff. For the workout, we are introducing a Rig workout that can be done in the new member area that will help introduce you to the area. We also have a delicious whole grain pancake recipe. It’s perfect for a family brunch! Lastly, hear from our member and fellow Healthy Living Center colleague, Shaun, as he decided to quit smoking and get healthier. Today, he is running in his seventh Boston Marathon!

In health,
Paul Limburg, M.D., Medical Director
and Beth Riley, Director

Click here for the April Newsletter.