November Staff Spotlight: Christina

What is your job title at the DAHLC and what do you like most about working here? I am a group fitness instructor at the DAHLC. I love the people and the space itself the most! I really like being a bright spot in someone’s day and sending members out the door filled with stress-relieving endorphins.

What is your idea of a perfect day? A perfect day begins with an excellent cup of coffee and playing excellent music on my record player. It also includes movement, preferably a walk in the woods with my husband, three kids, and two dogs. I would eat an excellent meal and catch a sunset as well.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I love to cook and spend a lot of time making all kinds of cuisine. I also write poetry. Deep down I am a Renaissance girl….I like music, novels, the outdoors, art, etc. 

If you had to pick one age to be permanently, which age would you choose? This is a hard one….I am pretty content at every age, but since I entered my current decade I have felt most myself and most confident.

What animal would you consider your spirit animal? Wolf. 100%.

What is your favorite food? My family laughs at me because I love salads of all kinds. I love fresh produce and I love to make my own salad dressings:)