October Staff Spotlight: Linde

What is your role at the DAHLC? My title is Employee Well-Being Specialist. My role is to provide service to our members in multiple facets such as assisting at the front desk, leading group classes, cleaning equipment and answering general fitness related questions.

Do you have a favorite book or movie? What a great question! I would have to say that my favorite book, at this point, is titled Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins. My favorite movie of all time is the Rocky Franchise. I love them all the same, even Rocky V. There is a message in each one and of course it is the ultimate underdog story.

What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Unfortunately, I do not have my kids with me full time so when they are with me, we do as much as we can as a family. Our favorite thing to do right now is to play DJ Bingo at The Workshop on Wednesday evenings. Each kid has won a $10 gift certificate this summer.

Do you have a favorite outdoor activity? Everything! I love being in the sun and wearing shorts and a t-shirt as much as possible. I am living in the wrong state, but that is changing in the next eight-nine years.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? This one is a toss-up between pizza or tacos. It's hard to go against my grandma’s tacos, but I am probably going to go with pizza. 

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Why? It would be Earvin “Magic” Johnson. He was my favorite athlete growing up and the reason why my favorite number is 32.