Member Success Story: Sharon

What type of change did you make in your life? Or what goal did you set out to achieve? My goal upon joining the DAHLC was to get healthier, building strength and endurance. Being newly retired, I joined the Active Older Adult (AOA) classes.

What are some challenges you faced that elicited that change or that made you want to go for that goal? What barriers did you run into while pursuing your goal? The challenges and barriers I ran into while pursuing my goals were few and mine alone. Motivation and determination were needed, that was up to me.

What are some factors that helped you make that change or that helped you achieve your goal? List any specific services you used at the DAHLC. The Employee Well Being Specialists are amazing!!! Helpful, patient, kind and more. They are always available to answer questions, helping with proper form and technique. The real reason I am achieving my goals is them!

What would you tell or encourage someone with who is in your old shoes and doesn’t know where to start? Anything in particular that inspired you throughout your journey? Advice on starting? Don’t worry, feeling a bit overwhelmed is normal. Make a decision to join, choose a class (which worked best for me), then show up. Not every class will be a fit for you, if not, choose another, then another. It could be more fun than you know!

How does the future look different than it did before? The future is different and happier. I enjoy working out and seeing my progress. It makes me proud.