February Staff Spotlight: Marisa Kadlec

Tell us a little bit about your position/role here at the DAHLC?
My position/role here at the DAHLC is Lead, Group Fitness. As a lead, I have many tasks and am always happy to help wherever I am needed. 

What is your favorite thing about your career?
WOW! Where do I start… Teaching! I have a passion to teach. I started at the DAHLC as a yoga student (member) and when the opportunity of becoming a Yoga instructor opened, I jumped on that train and received my Yoga certification through the DAHLC. This is where I started finding that the sky is the limit, so I continued searching for other opportunities to teach other modalities in fitness. The best gift of teaching is the change we can provide to the members that visit us.

Are you an early bird or night owl?
I would have to say BOTH! I love to wake up watching the sun rise and love seeing the stars when the opportunity allows. But always an early bird.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I don’t have any hidden talents. Hobbies, well, they are many. But the one I love is building things or trying to. Haha!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Actually, I do have a superpower! My superpower is to spread kindness and love to the world. Many times, others won’t see it, but they will if they meet me.

Who inspires you?
George Dawson. Life is so good! George learned to read and write at the age 98. And wrote his first book at 100 years old. If there is ever a person to learn from, he would be it! You are never too old to learn something new.

Winter….do you love or hate it?
I LOVE winter. But I hate to fall on ice. Hahaha.

What is one thing most members don’t know about you?
Most members don’t know I’m a twin. This twin of mine is also my closest friend in the world. We think alike. We finish each other sentences. We talk or text each other every day. She is my twin sister. Now this is a superpower. Haha.