COVID-19 Contact Tracing

We want you to be aware of our protocols for contact tracing in the event we have an exposure or positive confirmed case. Your safety is our priority. Mayo Clinic has established protocols for contact tracing for employees diagnosed with COVID-19, which begins by interacting with Occupational Health Services (OHS) to determine if others may have been exposed. Similarly, Olmsted County Public Health (OCPH) interviews non-employees who are diagnosed with COVID-19. During this interaction, members should disclose to OHS or OCPH if they have been in the DAHLC facility recently.
- Notifications will be made to staff and members when and where there has been a potential exposure, while maintaining confidentiality. If an individual with COVID-19 is confirmed by OHS or OCPH to have been at the Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center while communicable:
- We will review facility check-in data and the specifics of the potential exposure.
- If we identify members known to have had close contact (within 6 feet of the infected person for more than 15 minutes) we will refer exposed employees to OHS and exposed non-employees to OCPH.
- Exposed members will be assessed by OHS or OCPH for their individual exposure risk or any recommended testing or quarantine.
- We will also notify anyone in the facility at the same time as the infected person so that they may self-identify to Occupational Health or OCPH if they believe they were exposed.
- This notice will maintain the confidentiality while providing enough information for members to act upon (i.e. specific area of the facility involved, gender and age range of infected person and definition of close contact).
We look forward to your visits and want to provide a safe and enjoyable experience. Please watch the video below that outlines the changes and expectations for facility access and use. A reminder to bring your own towels (shower, pool, or sweat) as linens will no longer be provided.