March into Nutrition Month!

Good nutrition doesn't have to be restrictive or overwhelming. Small goals and changes can have a cumulative healthful effect, and every little bit (or bite!) of nutrition is a step in the right direction.
March is National Nutrition Month®. Let’s consider a few bite by bite tips to feel like we are eating right to feel fueled, stronger, and add a spring to our step:
- Cover the basics. Eat foods from each food group to ensure you get important nutrients.
- Hydrate healthfully. Water is best. Coffee, tea, and low calorie beverages can also be part of a healthy diet and active lifestyle.
- Be savvy when choosing your foods at the grocery store and at restaurants. Look at labels, ingredient lists, and nutrition info.
- Plan for eating away from home. Whether going to work, out for the day, or traveling, take nutritious portable foods to keep you on track mentally and physically.