Apples: Our Top 5 Seasonal Favorites!

September is all about apples! Here are a little apple nutritional facts for you... They are naturally low in fat, high in fiber, and are a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium. Research has shown that consuming apples may positively affect lipid metabolism, decrease inflammation, and help with weight management. Apples can be added to your favorite dish, like soup, salad, or oatmeal, or they can be eaten fresh to make a tasty snack. Add cinnamon to an apple and bake it or slice it thinly into apple chips to make into a healthy treat!
Now if you're an apple connoisseur, you may be interested in which apples are at their peak during the season. September signals a new crop for all tastes, so whatever your taste preference is– sweet or tart – there’s an apple out there waiting for you. Here are five seasonal favorites:
Honeycrisp: explosively crisp and juicy with a sweet/tart flavor, this apple carries a delightful, well-balanced, sub-acid and mildly aromatic flavor. This apple also has an excellent storage life (maintained for at least 7 months in the refrigerator!). Honecrisp is great for salads, pies, sauce and a sweet snack treat. Season September to February.
Jonathan: spicy and tangy, this apple has light red stripes over yellow or deep red. This American classic is especially valuable as a source of "stay firm when baked" flesh for pies and dumplings and may be THE classic apple in size, shape and flavor for making some of the world's best candied apples. Season September to April.
Zestar: a sweet tart taste with a hint of brown sugar. This light juicy apple with crisp texture and a zesty flavor is great for raw snacking, baking or roasting, mixed in with green salads, or displayed on cheese boards. These apples ripen in late August to early September
Honeygold: a cold-tolerant apple, sweet, crisp, and juicy flavor . This is a hardy substitute for Golden Delicious apples developed especially for cold northern areas. Great for fresh eating or cooking. Ready in late September.
McIntosh: a tangy, red and green apple, it’s tender and great for snacking. Considered an all-purpose apple, also suitable for cooking, sauce and pies. Available September to July.
Try out this recipe with fresh apples to get some of your fruits and veggies in!
Apple facts
Honeycrisp apples
Jonathan apples
Zestar apples
Honeygold apples
McIntosh apples