Member Moment: Barbara
Listen in how our Active Older Adults Program helped relieve Barbara's insecurities she had about coming to the gym!

What goal did you set out to achieve?
For me, the goal that I set out to achieve was to become more active as an older adult, and to have an overall sense of wellness. I began to change my nutritional habits and be more mindful of what my body needed (or didn’t need); although, I was still lacking in physical activity. I’ve been a member of the Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center (DAHLC) for years, but for the last few years I wasn’t going to the gym as often as I used to, or even at all for months. However, when I finally returned to the gym, I felt a sense of insecurity. So I checked out various resources on the DAHLC’s online website for help.
What are some challenges you faced that elicited that change or that made you want to go for that goal?
I was determined to change my lifestyle, because I was feeling less energetic and having more difficulty in accomplishing daily tasks. I knew that sitting at my desk in front of the computer was beginning to have negative effects on my body, and research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. Because I still work full-time, the barrier I had was finding the time to go to the DAHLC for the group activities encompassing active older adults.
What are some factors that helped you make that change?
I realized that if I didn’t pursue my goal now to a healthier me, I might delay it even longer. Fortunate and grateful to have a manager that was flexible with my work schedule, I was able to register for my first Active Older Adults (AOA) Program at the DAHLC. The AOA Program (with the expertise of our coach and various DAHLC staff) not only helped me to increase my exercise and activity level, but also provided nutritional insight, exercise options, and many wellness tools to help maintain my goals.
What would you tell or encourage someone with who is in your old shoes and doesn’t know where to start?
The first step is to explore what is available at the DAHLC that might benefit you; either by searching the DAHLC online website or speaking to a staff member at the front desk.
How does the future look different than it did before?
My overall sense of wellness has improved. I continue to do the AOA exercise workouts at the DAHLC, always mindful of my form. And because of the coaching I have received, I am able to use the DAHLC exercise equipment with more confidence. I can truly say that my experience with the AOA Program at the DAHLC has improved my muscle tone, flexibility and balance, and increased my cardiovascular endurance. I also met a lot of fun people in my group that I hope to see in the future.