“I genuinely like helping people.”
Meet Veronica Standeven! Veronica works in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in Eau Claire, WI. As a Wellness Champion, she supports 5th Floor of the Eau Claire Clinic which also includes Urology and General Surgery.Originally, Veronica was interested in being a Wellness Champion for personal reasons. Based on her own experiences, she felt she could also bring some good ideas to the table and be a resource for others.From humble beginnings in the Northeast Wisconsin town of Crivitz, Veronica became incredibly resourceful.
Whether it was learning to utilize the fruits provided by nature, hunting, fishing, or finding her way through life experiences, she developed resoresourcefulness, strong will, and self-awareness. The traits she acquired continue to drive her and her desire to help others.As a Wellness Champion, Veronica supports a large group and finds that sharing information and fun infographics on the break room Wellness Board, through email, and at floor wide meetings works well.
She is also a member of the Celebration Council, so she uses her position as a Wellness Champion to encourage healthy treat days and potlucks. She likes to share information relevant to the time of year, “Awareness Months” information, and fun things for staff to do in the community.In 2017, she hopes to get a group together for the Dragon Boat Races and support Home Health & Hospice. Veronica says, “I genuinely like helping people and would like to make a Mayo Clinic Eau Claire recipe book that could be sold hospital-wide. It would be a really awesome way to have healthy and fun recipes from our employees and raise money for Home Health & Hospice.”