“I genuinely wanted to help my co-workers”
Robert Kennedy once said, “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” For Wellness Champion, Brandon Liebenow, Operations Manager for Recovery and Claims Services (RCS), his goal was just that. He says, “I became a wellness champion because I genuinely wanted to help my co-workers lead healthier lives. I have always had an interest in overall health and wellness and thought that I could use my enthusiasm and knowledge of wellness to inform, educate, influence and rally my co-workers.” Rally he did. Back in 2008, Brandon and some colleagues formed a Health and Wellness Committee within RCS. The Health and Wellness Committee was created to foster a work environment that supports wellness—a healthier, supportive environment for people who are trying to make changes in people’s lives. He says, “…the goal is to inspire and coordinate constructive change, providing programs that support a lifestyle change, and consistently model the behaviors that various wellness programs seek to impart.”
One way Brandon has led in modeling healthy behaviors is by appearing in the DAHLC Energy Burst Videos. His contribution demonstrates his ability to lead by example. He believes in Mayo Clinic’s wellness vision, and understands how important it is that employees have the opportunity to participate in wellness initiatives. Besides his own wellness accomplishments, he strives to encompass all elements of wellness (physical, social, occupational, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and environmental) in the work environment. Through his leadership, he demonstrates his ability to promote wellness by utilizing various communication vehicles. Brandon sends out weekly email announcements, has a Wellness News Page on his internal Website that promotes a variety of events/displaying videos/etc., as well as a bulletin board. He will even have speakers/presentations for staff, and gives committee updates during department meetings. Not to mention, he makes sure to celebrate successes of other individuals—and recognizes group- level accomplishments.
Brandon is a great example of how the contribution of a Wellness Champion can impact the lives of others in a positive way.