Commitment in 2016

Having recently been married this past December I just embarked on one of the biggest and mostDAHLC-9016 exciting commitments of my life. With two words I now have a permanent co-captain in all life’s decisions, opportunities and adventures.  And with the New Year upon us, I've been reflecting on how a commitment such as marriage takes time, effort, patience and love among other things I’m sure I’ll learn along the way. This year what commitments will you make? Will you be getting married, growing your family, starting a new job or perhaps embarking on a wellness journey with a new found commitment to yourself? When focusing on your wellness journey, it's important to remember that it's a commitment. You must dedicate time to the gym and your workouts. It will take effort to rearrange your schedule or routine to find time to grocery shop or plan your meals. You will need to have patience as change doesn’t happen overnight. But most importantly you will need to be kind to yourself and love yourself through all the ups and downs along the way. Each day is a new day with new opportunities to recommit to you and your wellness.

All the best in 2016,
