Featured Wellness Champion: Rose Mader, Sara Weigel & Sandra Robertson

This month's Wellness Champion comes as a package! Rose Mader, Sara Weigel, & Sandra Robertson from Mayo 18 Endocrinology Division have proved that collaborating their efforts together has been incredibly successful for their work group. Sara Weigel shed some light on this trio’s focus: “Since much of our department includes healthcare professionals already in the field of nutrition, diabetes and weight management, the focus we try to incorporate is more on wellness as a whole. Sometimes we forget there is more to wellness than just eating healthy and staying physically active.” Their biggest tactic to reaching their co-workers is through their bulletin boards. They've found that employees are most receptive to information when its appealing, entertaining, and instructional. Not only has this format helped division members to live healthier, but has also them to come to know each other better…and become a better unit.
- January National Blood Donor month included a healthy breakfast to thank the roll of donors
- February’s board asked division members to share pictures and stories of pets they have cherished.
- March highlighted a poster depicting added sugars in a variety of foods and we promoted healthy meals as a sidebar to this board
- April centered on stress relievers
- May will incorporate biking and the variety of trails in Southeastern Minnesota
Other ways to reach their staff is by creating fun, healthy challenges. Winter months are especially a crucial time to get creative and inspire their co-workers. According to Sandra Robertson, "In the past year we have advertised a Don’t Gain Challenge as the holidays approach and it is important to continue to be active at the onset of winter. We have also implemented a step challenge that has made a difference in the activity of several of our co-workers!" Kudos to these ladies for going above and beyond to promote health and wellness in their work area.
Do you think you have what it takes to be a Featured Champion? Send your profile to RSTWellnessChampion@mayo.edu for your chance to have your efforts highlighted!