Do wellness centers improve one’s overall quality of life?

Human Resource Executive Online, Taking Wellness to the Next Level by David Shadovitz, Do wellness centers improve one's overall quality of life?

Well, according to the findings of one recent study, that depends greatly on whether employees use the resources available to them -- and even then, may not always lead to the desired results in certain QOL areas. In a paper published in the May/June 2013 edition of the American Journal of Health Promotion, researchers at the Mayo Clinic found people who use wellness centers the most were most likely to experience an increase in their physical QOL scores (with the percentage among this segment rising from 59.4 percent to 80.4 percent)…Dr. Matthew Clark, a professor of psychiatry and psychology at the Mayo Clinic and the lead author of the study, suggests the findings point to the need for companies to take a more holistic view of their wellness initiatives.